Team Building
The Alignment of Goals
“Let him who would move the world, first move himself.” – Socrates
Alignment means ownership. Active ownership on the part of ALL the team members. Where every individual knows the business’ vision, goals and challenges. In reading Lencioni’s book recently, “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”, he nails it in terms of “how business could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time if you simply could get all the people in that business ROWING in the same direction!” Whether you are a small business or a large organization, the agreement of the goals of a business and how business allocates resources to achieve goals, is paramount.

How would you like to lead an organization in which every individual knows the business’ goals, vision, and top challenges? Pneuma PLAYshops™ will empower your team with the CLARITY to create breakthrough toward alignment. PLAY THE ‘A’ GAME…leadership in the marketplace is crying out for next level coaching and training.
“Generating alignment goes beyond simply creating consensus, agreement, or compliance.”