The COMPUTREK Advantage | People Solutions

Breathing New LIFE into Business™

Building talent management strategies is a major concern for business, so much so that it has spawned a multi-billion dollar software industry that works to educate CEOs and business owners about the importance of it’s people.  Integration and technology have quickly become a major part of strategic planning as organizations focus on MORE THAN hiring techniques – the onboarding of talent – and development initiatives.  Much of this has been brought about due to LACK, so organizations now understand there is significant VALUE of investing in, not just hiring the right people at the right time. 

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The CompuTrek Group saw a very real need to help our clients enhance the eco-system of their organization and take hiring and top performer team building one step further by introducing and RE-introducing the ‘assessment’ process to the marketplace.  The results have been MORE than encouraging.

Through this process we are significantly able to help you not only seat the right people on the right bus at the right time, but can help to ensure your new hires and/or current talent have been positioned on the RIGHT SEAT on the right bus – ensuring your organization maintains an ENGAGED and HAPPY workforce. 

“The CompuTrek Assessment ADVANTAGE helps you leverage and streamline your hiring process & leadership goals with the objective of positively affecting your company’s bottom line while maintaining engaged and productive employees…the LIFELINE of a healthy business culture.”

“When you partner with the ASSESSMENT PROCESS and receive high validity results, it creates the space to understand the WHY behind what we do and ultimately, who we are accountable to when you’re in alignment with your learning style, behavioral style and heart-level passions.” – Dave Schedin

Our global assessment process is the first step to ensure your success!

Contact Dave Schedin, our People Solutionist, for more information.   800.385.0724